Jun 17, 2018 | Andy Voelker
Well Done - Good & Fathful Steward
I am awed by the scope of the tremendous journey chronicled in the book of Acts. From the promise of the Holy Spirit in chapter 1 through the birth of the church and the mighty “acts” of the apostles as they moved in the power of the Holy Spirit.
In this final chapter, we see Paul arriving in Rome more than three months after being shipwrecked. Paul could have become discouraged by the hardness of hearts he encountered through the years. He could have lived out the rest of his days complacently. Instead, Paul continued to boldly share the gospel.
What can we learn from the book of Acts? We each have our own personal journey to walk in this life. God has empowered us by His Holy Spirit. We have been commissioned as stewards of the Good News, to be people who demonstrate the love of God and His power to a dying world.
Series Information
"When we are trusting Jesus Christ as Lord as well as Savior. He enables us to live and speak as faithful witnesses."
Paul E. Little