Nov 17, 2019 | Andy Voelker
The Church's Most Untapped Resource
In this Romans 15, Paul gives us a little further insight into the church at Rome. Here, in Verse 14, there are three things that he says about this church, three great qualities that they possessed. Morally, they were full of goodness, intellectually they were complete in knowledge, and functionally they were competent to instruct one another. The plan of God is that the whole congregation be involved in the work of the church. The whole congregation is to be aware of what is going on with neighbors and friends and brothers and sisters and do something about meeting their problems. The way this is done is by the imparting of the gifts of the Spirit.
Series Information
The theme of the Book of Romans is the gospel: the good news that God declares sinners to be righteous when they trust in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on their behalf.