Jan 08, 2017 | Andy Voelker
Standing Firm in the Lord
There is nothing more prevalent in the age in which we live than the increasing problem of worry. Worry is a powerful force to disintegrate the human personality, leaving us frustrated, puzzled and bewildered by life. Sometimes you hear the expression: sick with worry, and anyone who has experienced it knows it is no empty expression. You can be literally sick with worry. Paul's answer to this is a blunt, Do not be anxious about anything. Well you say, this is all very well to say don't worry, but how do you stop it? Every time I try to stop worrying I worry all the more. You can't stop it just by the exercise of will power. Here is the key: In every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Petition means, keep it up, over and over again. Whenever problems develop lean back again in prayer to the one who is able. Thanksgiving is that forward look of faith that thanks God for the answer before you see it.
Series Information
Join us as we discover the great mystery of Paul's joy.