Feb 04, 2018 | Andy Voelker
Open Doors
For the Apostle Paul, the church at Antioch was not a parking lot; it was a launching pad. He could never settle down to a "comfortable-ministry" anywhere as long as there were opens doors for ministry. Today as we start our look back at the Book of Acts, we start in chapters 15-16 as Paul begins his second missionary journey. At the beginning of this journey we see God's faithfulness as our provider. In our time today, although there were struggles, God was always there providing Paul what he needed to succeed. God continued to open doors for Paul by providing a new partner, a new helper and a new vision. He always seems to know exactly what we need.
Series Information
"When we are trusting Jesus Christ as Lord as well as Savior. He enables us to live and speak as faithful witnesses."
Paul E. Little