Sep 29, 2019 | Andy Voelker
Holy and Living
Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Romans 12: 1
I love this verse, because God’s accepts our lives as worship just the way we are. He is not saying we must get cleaned up and get our lives straightened out before we can offer ourselves to God. Offer it, with all its problems, with all the difficulty you have with it, with all the temptations — offer it just the way it is! He says, you come to me just the way you are. I am the answer to your problems. You can't handle those problems yourself. Don't start with thinking you have to get them straightened out.
Series Information
The theme of the Book of Romans is the gospel: the good news that God declares sinners to be righteous when they trust in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on their behalf.