Aug 25, 2019 | Andy Voelker

Eternally Secure

Our Father loves us, despite all our ugliness and sin, in such a way that you and I cannot and will not ever comprehend. He will always love us unconditionally. He will never lock the door behind us. He will never not take our calls. He will never write us out of His will. You will always be welcomed back to His open arms (though the punishment may sting a bit). You will always be heard when you fall to your knees. And you will always have the promised inheritance of eternal life, mercy, grace and forgiveness that has been yours since you accepted the truth of Jesus’ death on the cross. Nothing will ever take His love from you.

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Series Information

The theme of the Book of Romans is the gospel: the good news that God declares sinners to be righteous when they trust in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on their behalf.