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The Touch of Our Savior

Posted by Andy Voelker on

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. Luke 5:13a

In the quiet hours of this week, I found myself considering Pastor Daniel’s sermon this past Sunday. In particular, the attention he gave this verse and the fact that Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man who was covered with leprosy. It had probably been years since anyone had even come close, much less touched him. Daniel pointed this out and that the disease had most likely robbed him of any sensation of touch. Just imagine how wonderful Jesus’ touch must have felt. What a precious gift the touch of our Savior is, the trace of a single finger can restore sight to the blind, bring life to the dead, heal a leper’s skin, or lift us from the depths of despair. We should all be like this man today, falling on our faces before Jesus and asking Him for His healing touch.


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