Mar 03, 2019

Message to the Church at Philadelphia

Today in the Word, we jump one week ahead and look at the letter to the church of Philadelphia. This is the second to last letter in the series of the seven churches here in Revelation. What is missing from this letter? The message to Philadelphia is in sharp contrast to Sardis and Thyatira because its defining characteristic is one of praise from Jesus. The one who is Sovereign over the door into the treasury of the King praises Philadelphia for their faithfulness to keep the word of Jesus and to abstain from denying Jesus’ name. 
The good news for Philadelphia is Jesus’ promise to keep them from the hour of trial that will affect the whole earth. Though the Philadelphians were few in number, they persevered in their faith and held on to the promises of God. Despite all the worldly things going on around them, they continued to be faithful to Jesus and to the gospel. It’s a reminder for us that we should measure our church in the same way that Jesus praise Philadelphia for their great faithfulness to the truth. 

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After rising from the dead and appearing to hundreds of people, Jesus returned to heaven and left us with this promise: Tell everyone about me because I'll be back to set things right forever.