Aug 11, 2019 | Andy Voelker

Life in The Spirit

Our sins are paid for in full, in Christ there is no condemnation. Christ Jesus bore our punishment; He was condemned in our place. By faith in Him alone, we are free from punishment for our sins. This issue is settled, it is a fact!

This is the wonderful news of Romans chapter eight and from there until the end, it is a celebration of the Sprit’s work on our behalf. He frees us from sin and death, He enables us to fulfil the law, He changes our sinful nature, He empowers us for victory in life, He confirms our adoption into the family of God, He intercedes for us in prayer and guarantees our eternal place in glory.

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Series Information

The theme of the Book of Romans is the gospel: the good news that God declares sinners to be righteous when they trust in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on their behalf.