The Book Etched In Gold
I beheld a book-its pages etched in gold
The story of a life lived-ready to unfold
A sin stained heart-filled with sin and strife
My Savior walked right in-and changed my evil life
I'd heard a knock upon my door
I bid Him to come in
He cleared out all the rubbish
To rid my heart of sin
He taught me more and more each day
Taught me how to live and taught me how to pray
He was so very lovely so gentle and so kind
A truer friend I'd never know nor would I ever find
He forgave me of my wicked ways
Showered me with love
Took me in His tender arms
To live with Him above
Angel sat beside me
One bright and sunny day
Said take my hand I'll guide you
On your journey all the way
My name is written in that book
In the precious blood of the Lamb
Signed and sealed by the mighty hand
The hand of the Great I AM
Written by June Eleanor Farrington, February 13,2020