I Surrender all
As I read through my devotion this morning I was struck by the simple nature of the short devotion and at the same time the huge challenge within the few short sentences. Author, E. M. Bounds titled this devotion “Wholeness Through Prayer.” The simple message was that the “largest results of praying, comes to those who give themselves completely to God."1 I believe this to be true because I see this modeled by Christ, who gave himself completely to his Father’s will and devoted himself whole heartedly to prayer.
While I know this to be true and believe it with all my heart, I still struggle to give myself completely to God. I selfishly tend to hold parts of my life in reserve, so that I can control them myself. This I want to change, so that I may know Christ more dearly and the power of his love. The Apostle Paul also fought this same battle and since he continued to fight and to struggle for God, he could write in Philippians 3:7 “But whatever was once to my profit I know consider loss for the sake of Christ.” He gave it all for the sake of Christ!
My prayer this morning and my prayer for all of you is: Dear Lord give me strength and wisdom, I want to give myself completely to you in prayer, I want to my life and prayers to produce much fruit in your name and for your glory. Amen!