Does your soul thirst for God when a new day comes,
Yet deep darkness and fear prevail?
Ask that He send His Great Light to guide you;
He wondrously will not fail.
Have the problems of life been too heavy to bear,
Your vision of glory grown faint?
Look to Him who makes His face to shine upon you,
And graciously calls you His saint.
Have you ever thought as God's precious dear child
He saves His best until last?
He'll throw wide open the gates of Heaven's grand place
Where trials and anguish have passed.
Can you hear by faith what He'll lovingly say
As you come by trusting His Son?
"Enter into My rest freely given to yo;
well done, I am pleased faithful one!"
"Because you were willing to follow my Word,
All death pain and sorrow are gone;
You've looked to the shepherd Who sits at my side,
Leading you to your true home!"
By: Barbara Alexander