An Old Fashioned Christmas
I'd like an 'Old fashioned Christmas", you hear many people say
I'd like to have it happen this very Christmas day
I'd like to meet 'Ol Santa with his beard so snowy white
and see the gifts he brings me in the middle of the night
And watch him as he leaves my home and swiftly flies away
with all his many reindeer--and his little sleigh
I'd like a great big Christmas tree with bells and lots of lights
to shine out of my window on cold and snowy nights
I'd like a feast laid out--before my very eyes
Just like they always used to have--with cakes and apple pies
I KNOW that this was just the way it happened long ago.
This is what they told me and that's how I know 'tis so
but wait my friend--I have some facts that I must state
Santa came about 1800 years too late
The Christmas tree was conjured up in sixteen-forty-nine
It didn't have its bells on or its light lit up in time
'Ol Saint Nicholas brought gifts on Christmas morn
A full three hundred years after Christ was born
As God looks upon His children filled with love and joy
He wants us only to remember His little baby boy
A baby wrapped ion swaddling clothes and lying in the hay
This is how it happened the real first Christmas day
The calves and sheep and cattle didn't mind at all
When they found the baby Jesus sleeping in their stall
We can kneel beside His manger, lay rich gifts down at his feet
Open wide our hearts to Him and there our Savior meet
We can join in with the angels as they stretch their heavenly wings
and spread the news that Jesus lives and is the 'King of Kings'
If you want an 'Old fashioned Christmas' just try to do your part
and you will KNOW you've had one for you'll feel it in your heart.