A Church Is Born
Donald Barnhouse tells the story of driving with a friend and being asked to share the details of his favorite symphony. He thought to himself, "How silly it would be to try and convey the beauty and complexity of Brahms though mere words or by whistling as I drive."
This might be exactly how the early believers of Christ felt as they waited for the gift of the Holy Spirit. They knew all that Jesus taught them, but lacked the power to deliver the message in a life changing way to the world around them. The Holy Spirit translates our meager whistling into heavenly music, it transforms us into powerful witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Just as the disciple had not truly understood the resurrection until they experienced it, they could never have grasped all that the Lord had intended for this miraculous day at of Pentecost. Hesitant, confused and maybe frightened, they burst forth as a group with the wonderful gospel message of life. On that day in Jerusalem, thousands heard the wonderful symphony of God,s good news and love for all.