Women's Ministry
The heart of our Women's Ministry is to see every woman become grounded in biblical truth and growing toward spiritual maturity by engaging with God’s word together. The pursuit of God in the company of friends is where life change happens!
prayer gathering
Join the women of CLCC Friday afternoons at Noon as we pray, encourage and support one another in this hour long prayer gathering. We meet at CLC in the comfort of the Welcome Center.
women's study
Join us as we meet for bible study on Fridays at 10am. Our next study begins July 9 , and we will walk through experiencing the Holy Spirit more richly.
Bible Study Fellowship
Join Christian Ladies from CLCC and other Whidbey Island churches on Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the Welcome Center as we join with Bible Study Fellowship in a study in the Gospel of John. As a group member, you will personally study Scripture and answer questions each day. Once a week, you will meet for a small-group discussion of the lesson, hear from a teaching leader how the truths of Scripture can be applied to daily life and receive comprehensive notes on the Scripture passages you studied.
Higher Ground
Join our CLCC Ladies group at Payless for coffee and prayer every Wednesday at 10:00 am as we pray together and share the Gospel of Jesus with those around us.